jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

My childhood

HI dear friends! I don´t remember when was the last time I wrote at my blog. Maybe it was about one or two months ago.

Today I´m going to write you about my childhood. I had a very nice childhood, no worries about what I should do, or what will happen; complety relax! Every day, after the school, I used to do paint jobs, that I gift to my parents, or sometimes I prepared shows , like dances or funny histories , with my sisters. I didn´t use to go to the nursery school a lot of time, I went to it two months. It was better at home, where I used to play with my sisters.

I remember when my grandfather wasn´t seek and he visited us after his work; he played with us and he made us laugh. On sunday after going to the church, I used to go to some places, where I had a very good time. Mampato, Chuckundcheese, Bowling, Zoo.

To the New Year, I used go with my family (cousins, aunt), that is very big, to Pucon. There we made barbecue all together and then we went to the beach. In february, I spent a lot of days in Santo Domingo, where I have a flat. In the beach, I used to make sandcastles or other things with sand. In the afternoon I used to visit my grandparents or my cousins or sometimes I went for a walk with my mother and my sister. At the weekend, I usually played golf with my father, who love this sport. He is very happy when I´m with him while we are playing, but the true is that I hate playing golf.

Here I downloaded one photo of my first day at school and the other one is in Santo Domingo.

I hope you enjoy my note,

Good luck in the end of the year!!

Berni Mandujano

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

my house

Hi friends! How are you today? I´m fine and happy because tomorrow is Friday and I´m going to the beach.
Today I´m going to write about my house and neighbourhood. My house is in Lo Barnechea, and I think it is a detached house. It has six bedrooms, three rooms to study , read or watch TV and 8 bathrooms. We´re six sisters, because of that we have a lot of bathrooms. Of course there is a kitchen, living room and diningroom. We have a garden with a swimingpool.
I don´t know my neighbors, I only know that one of the children plays drums. The house next to mine is alone and it´s for sale since 2007. The houses of my neighbourhood are detached houses and all of them are quiet big.
In my neighbourhoods there aren´t any shops, restaurants or squares. There are only a church. That is boring, especially for small kids, because they haven´t a nice place to get fun near their houses.
Well, it was all for today. Enjoy your weekend!!
Your friend, Berni Mandujano

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009


Hi friends!! How were your holidays? Mine were great.

Today I´m going to write about a delicious topic: my favourite dish. I think that exist a lot of great dishes, so it´s impossible to choose one. The dish I would like to eat every day depends of a lot of things. For example, when I´m on the beach and it´s hot, I preffer to eat sushi. I love sushi. If I´m very hungry, I preffer to eat spaghetti with cheese sauce and mushrooms. But there are other dishes that I love, like ribs or barbecue with a lot of delicious salad.

The dessert is very important to me. Sometimes, when I´m not very hungry, I eat a lot of a dessert. Ice creams of dulce de leche or white chocolate are great and cheescake too, especially ones with cookies, or chocolate, or caramel. There are other dessert that are great, like "tres leches" or white chocolate mousse.

I think that to enjoy eating is a way to enjoy the life. Many boring activities can be nice with good food.

It was all for today, I hope you enjoy my note.

Best regards,

Your dear friend, Berni

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

September vacations

Hello friends! How are you today? It´s everything Ok? I hope so.

It´s September and the holidays are near. This vacation I´m travelling to the USA with my six sisters and my parents. We are flying on September 9th and we are arriving in Chile again on september 23th. We are going to stay seven days in Orlando and fife days in Miami. I want that wednesday come as soon as possible, because I want to be in the USA. In Orlando, we are going to visit Disney theme parks and others too. In Miami, we will relax on the beach and in the afternoon we are agoing to go shopping!!

Unfortunatly on September 18th, I won´t celebrate the chilean day. I wont eat empanadas or barbecue and it´s impossible to go to a fonda and to dance cueca. But it doesn´t matter, I´m sure that in Disney and on the beach I will have a good time.

What are you planning to do this vacation? Where will you celebrate the chilean week? Write me about it, I want to know how will be your vacation!!

See you!!

Berni Mandujano

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

My favourite film

Hi friends! How is everything? I´m fine today and it´s very sunny.

Well, today I´m going to tell you about my favourite film. I love watching movies, better if is a romantic or action movie, but I like other genre of films too.

One of my favourite movies is Pearl Harbor, which was a blockbuster in his time. I think that it has a great plot and I love the characters, like Ralf or Evelyn. Also I think that it is a great film because it´s a romantic, drama and action movie, and it has history too. If you don´t have watched this film, you should watch it.

Other great movies is the animation movies, like Ice Age or The Lion King. A lot of these are pretty good and funny.

I like the most of movies genre, there are some that I hate. I don´t like films of horror, sci-fi or documentary. For example, I hate Harry Potter, Star Wars or Shark. I haven´t a nice time when I saw it, to be honest I didn´t watch it to the end.

It was all for today, write me about your favourite movies

See you soon,

Your friend, berni

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009


Hi readers! It has been a longe since I wrote. Actually, I don´t remember when was the it time.

Today I´m going to write about my favorite holidays. I have had a lot of great holidays. I will never forget the first time I travelled, I was 6 years old. I travelled with my parents, two of my sisters, my cousins and her parents. We were in Disney and then we spent some time in Miami.

In other oportunity I travelled to Mexico, with my family and some cousins. It was really nice!!

This summer I had great holidays, I visited many great places. First, I went to La Serena with all my cousins, uncles and grandfathers. We celebrated the new year together. Then I went to Panguipulli for two weeks with my family. It was very beautiful and relaxed. My parents and sisters were very happy, nobody didn´t spend a great time. This summer we are going to go again! After Panguipulli, I went to my apartment in Santo Domingo. I invited many friends and we went to partys, to the beach. In the photo I was in Santo domingo with Tere and Fran.

Well, it was all for today.

Tell me about your holidays!


Your best friend, berni

martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Personal opinion

HI again! Today, I have to give you my opinion about write in blogs.
Well, I think that to write in blogs or mails or whatever is usefull to practice the vocabulary. The best way to speak better a language is when you use it. Write in blogs is a form to use our second language and practice vocabulary and ortography.
Now, I can speak fluentlier as in the begining of the year. I can comment other blogs or write a paragraph about a topic without any problem. But the truth is that I don´t like to write on blogs because it´s boring.
In brief, I think that we should write in blogs to speak better and learn more english. It is boring but if the topic is intresting it isn´t so bad. For example I didn´t like the topics like environment or music. It will be interesting if we write about current topics or tell our holidays. Well, this was my sincere opinion.
Enjoy your holidays!!