jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

I would live in ...

Hi friends, how are you? It´s everything ok? I hope so.

Well, my topic for today is the country where I prefer to live in. I would like to live in England, but not now unless when I grow up and I go to university. I wish live in a flat in the outskirts of London because there the apartments are cheaper than in the center of the city. If I live there, I will study in the famous Cambridge University. It will be great!

I prefer Gran Bratain to United States because for me, is very important to know England. It has a lot of history and there are many famous monuments and museums you can visit. Also it`s a very good place to travel to other country, because in a few hours you can be in other country like France or Germany and without flying by plane.

If I can, I will study in England, but only a few years not for ever!

I wish you to have a nice weekend!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Our planet is in danger!

Hi friends! how are you? Today I´m going to write about ecology in my country, Chile.

Well, today the ecology is a topic very important because our planet is warming every day more. This global warming is caused by us: the fumes factorys, the use of the fossil fules, the less use of renewable energy, the cut down of rainforests.

Here in Chile, this topic is very warning.In my country and I think in every country too,the weather is changing. For example, it´s May and it isn´t raining yet and the temperatures are high! This causes a lot of problem to the farming because fruits and vegetables aren´t growing up. Other problem is the smog, specially in Santiago because it has a lot of mountains. If it doesn´t rain, the air won´t be clean. The smog could have serious consequences in the health of habitants.

To solve this problem, we can do many things. First, we should save energy: we can use the bike, turn off the lights. Also we can have corter showers or spend less water. All countrys are studying other renewables energys lo use, vice the solar energy or waves.

Maybe, yo may do something for our planet!
