martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Personal opinion

HI again! Today, I have to give you my opinion about write in blogs.
Well, I think that to write in blogs or mails or whatever is usefull to practice the vocabulary. The best way to speak better a language is when you use it. Write in blogs is a form to use our second language and practice vocabulary and ortography.
Now, I can speak fluentlier as in the begining of the year. I can comment other blogs or write a paragraph about a topic without any problem. But the truth is that I don´t like to write on blogs because it´s boring.
In brief, I think that we should write in blogs to speak better and learn more english. It is boring but if the topic is intresting it isn´t so bad. For example I didn´t like the topics like environment or music. It will be interesting if we write about current topics or tell our holidays. Well, this was my sincere opinion.
Enjoy your holidays!!

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

The swine flu

Hi! how are you? well, I´m fine but I´m very cold because it´s a bit freezing.

In this time I will tell you about an illnesses, which has affected Chile and other countries in the last two months. It´s the famous swine flu or human flu: A(H1N1).

About two months ago, this illnesses appeared in Mexico. In a very short time there were thousand of infected and the swine flu started to affect other countries, in the near of Mexico. Mexico and the United States were the countries with more death.

About three weeks later, a chilean was infected and in days many people were ill. The government took measures to slow the expansion of this flu, but it hasn´t do a big effect. Many people were scared and they didn´t go out of their houses. I think that it was exagerated because this illness isn´t dangerous, it´s only a strong cold. At the moment,in Chile are more than thousand infected but only two people have die from swine flu. They were people who didn´t treat their flu with time.

I think that there are many illnesses which are more dangerous and we don´t take care of they. Well, it was all for today. Have a nice weekend!!

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

My ideal holiday

Hi! how are you today? Well in this time I will tell you about my ideal holiday.
There are many places where I would like to go, if it´s possible of course. My first preference is Paris, Venezia and London specifically. My dream is to go to this places with all my family and to travel for this countrys for a long time. After Europe I would like to fly to a beach to relax, it can be Tahitti! I love it. It will be great!!.
Other European country I like is Greece and Czechoslovakia, but these aren´t my favorite country for Europe. But if I can, I will go.
I think that traveling with friends is very funny. I would love traveling with them to the pyramids og Egypt and to Southafrica. Other country more possible to fly with my firens, is Central America. I would like to tour Guatemala and Costa Rica and to finish on a beautiful beach to sunbathe and relax.
I hope one day I will have one of my ideals holidays!
It was all for today, I hope you will be well.

Your friend